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1212, Angel Numbers, Destiny Number, Life Path Number, Numerology, Numerology Life Path -

Here is a breakdown of this magical date. Overall, expect major breakthroughs, transformations, endings and new beginnings, love manifestations coming through, family unity and strength, ambition within your career, and togetherness, creativity, and flexibility within your relationship. 12/12/2022 involves the energies and attributes of the number 1…. The multiple 1’s in this date indicate independence, ambition, drive and leadership. This day is significant for any individual or family whose career or business are of top priority. The energy exhibited here is also good for entrepreneurs or self-employed people. The energies from the 1’s dislike happy go lucky or unmotivated people,...

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111, 1111, angel numbers, destiny number, life path number, numerology, numerology chart, numerology forecast, numerology readings, synchronicities -

With the New Year upon us, we can feel refreshed and renewed as we are about to enter an entirely new cycle in our lives.  As we look at the beginning of January, the date of January 11th stands out as a very powerful day energetically with regards to numerology. Let’s take a look at this date broken down. Finally, we will see what special message the angels and ascended Masters have for us for this special day. The Numerology of Number 1 Number 1 represents individuality, independence, and self-sufficiency. This number resonates with a person who is original and...

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angel connections, angel healing, angel numbers, angelology, angels, life path number, numerology, numerology readings -

Seeing repeating numbers are often our angels trying to get our attention. When we see some of these numbers repeatedly, divine synchronicities are at play. Here are what seeing some of these repeated numbers can tell us. 111- Your thoughts are manifesting quickly, keep them positive and make a wish. 222- Have faith, you are on the right path, all will be well in divine timing. This is your signal that you do not need to do anything alone. Your angels are by your side to help you find the answers you need. 333- The Ascendant Masters are near, assisting,...

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accredited, angel healing, angel numbers, angels, love, masterclasses, synchronicities, universe -

Dreams- Pay attention to your dreams (especially themes and signs or symbols that stick out to you- like a bright red tomato in the middle of a field for example). Research these things upon waking to find the message. Since dreaming puts us in altered state, we are closer to the spirit world. This is a time when our spirit guides can try to get our attention through visions, noises, feelings, and sounds in the dream world. They can also communicate with us telepathically easier when we are in the dream state. “Coincidences”- If you start having a ton of...

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1212, angel numbers, astrology, numerology, numerology chart -

1212 Numerology Breakdown 12/12/2020 involves the energies and attributes of the number 1…. The multiple 1’s in this date indicate independence, ambition, drive and leadership. This day is significant for any individual or family whose career or business are of top priority. The energy exhibited here is also good for entrepreneurs or self-employed people. The energies from the 1’s dislike happy go lucky or unmotivated people, rather, people with hard work ethics are favored.  Number 1 signifies strength in character. This is a good day for anyone seeking to improve self-discipline and self-confidence. Although 12/12/2020 contains some energies and attributes...

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