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Pisces is the sign of the fish and and is connected to the 12th  house of the zodiac.  It exhibits a water element with a mutable mode. This flexible energy is deeply introspective, spiritual, psychic, and emotional.  It gives way to great creativity and insight. Pisces asks us to connect to our spirituality and focus on our dreams, our sleep cycles, and our intuition. Here are just a few activities and rituals you can use to help harness the powerful Pisces energy of the season. Take a relaxing ritual bath- Connect to the element of water and soothe your emotions. ...

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Imbolc marks the time halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox! Look for the first sightings of spring during this special time. Imbolc has also been known as Brigid’s Day or Candlemas.  This day marks the rebirth of the Sun.  Traditionally, throughout the ages, Imbolc has been a significant time for livestock breeding season.  To get ready to harness the energies of Imbolc, ask yourself some of the following questions: What dreams and goals do I want to awaken? What important insights have I learned from the winter season so far? What creative projects would I like to start...

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astrology, astrology blog, astrology by melody, full moon in gemini, fullmoon, gemini, lunar eclipse -

The Full Moon is a time to let go of pent up energies that have been weighing you down. It is an excellent time to write down anything you want to let go of or get rid of in your life that is not serving your highest good.  With the completion of another Moon cycle, you have learned and grown. This makes it also a time to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, and to give thanks to your blessings. The Full Moon in Gemini will make you and everyone around you curious about worldly matters. You and others...

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