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The energy of Libra focuses on all the important relationships in your life, both personal and professional.  This Full Moon asks you to re-evaluate all of these prominent relationships.  Take a close look at which relationships are working for you and which are not. This New Moon is also a Lunar  Eclipse! You can expect big breakthroughs in the areas of money, finances, love, and especially the arts. Ask yourself the following questions to capture the energy of this Full Moon: Which relationships are beneficial for you and which have you possibly outgrown? Are there any relationships that are toxic...

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Beltane is the midpoint between the Spring Solstice and the Summer Solstice. It marks the midpoint to prepare for the summer season. This celebration typically pays homage to the Sun.   Bonfires are popular during this time and help you to bond with the ancient elemental power of fire. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you work with the energies of Beltane: What recreational activities would I like to engage in this Summer? Am I planning any trips or vacations for the upcoming summer season? How can I harness the benefits of the Sun? How can I...

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Sagittarius is connected to the ninth house of the zodiac, which is all about travel, higher education, expansion, exploration, law, and mysticism. It is ruled by the great Benefic planet of expansion, Jupiter. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, you are called to focus on higher knowledge and metaphysical subjects. It is an ideal time to expand your knowledge, learning, or education. With this New Moon also being a Solar Eclipse, expect big breakthroughs, major changes, and transformation in these areas of your life.                                                         You can ask yourself some of the following questions to help you better work with...

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The Full Moon in Taurus asks you to nourish your physical body and the earth around you. Let go of earthly possessions that are no longer serving your highest good to make way to bring in renewed energy. This Full Moon is also an ideal time to do a check within regarding centering and grounding yourself.  With this Full Moon also being a Lunar Eclipse, the energies will be amplified.  Taurus is connected to the second house, which is the house of money and possessions. Expect sudden breakthroughs, endings, and new beginnings surrounding material and financial matters. Here are some...

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full moon, horoscope, lunar eclipse, moon rituals, pink moon, Sagittarius, Super Moon, zodiac signs -

The Full Moon is a cause for a celebration and gratitude for our journey thus far. The Full Moon can tend to illuminate our shadows. Be mindful and release and lower vibrations that are no longer serving you and the greater good of all. The energies exhibited by the Full Moon also provide an opportune time for manifestation and shadow work.  It is also an ideal time to practice gratitude and give thanks to the previous season’s harvest and what you have personally accomplished on your journey thus far. Lunar eclipses occur at the time of the Full Moon. These...

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