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This New Moon is also accompanied with a partial Solar Eclipse.   The energies of this New Moon will be intensified due to it also being a Solar Eclipse. It’s an ideal time to practice shadow work with this New Moon being in Scorpio. The shadow self is a counterpoint to the light and is a side to us that is not always easily expressed.  It has usually  been repressed or oppressed.  It can also be seen as an unconscious aspect of your personality that the conscious ego does not identify. Here are some ways you can practice shadow work: Review...

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astrology, astrology lovers, new moon, new moon in scorpio, scorpio -

A New Moon creates a sacred space in time for ritual, focusing on our desires, our dreams, and planting the seeds we wish to see blossom in our lives.  Use this New Moon to inquire deep within, asking yourself what your heart truly desires in this life.  Write down your intentions in detail, open your heart, and prepare for growth. Scorpio exhibits a water element with a fixed mode. This zodiac sign is ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars, making it very volatile. Those born under the sign of Scorpio are deep and emotional individuals. When the Moon is...

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