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Astrology, Astrology lovers, Ostara, Spring, Spring Equinox, Spring Solstice, Wheel of the Year -

The Spring Solstice has also arrived! Now is the time to start planting new seeds and to create something new. It is time to step into the light, as the days will start to stay brighter even longer. Here are some questions to help you brainstorm and get you working with the Spring Equinox energies: What do I feel inspired to create? What clutter should I get rid of so that I can clear and recharge my space? What baking or cooking would I like to do for this occasion? How can I get in touch with nature and start...

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astrology, Imbolc, metaphysical readings, natal chart readings, Wheel of the Year -

It is  Imbolc, the season that is the midpoint between the winter solstice and Spring. It’s time to prepare to plant your seeds for the upcoming Spring season. Journal about some of your intentions and/or goals for this season. Think about some of the following questions to help you harness the energies of this season: What do I need to clear in my space to make way for new energy to come in? What seeds can I plant now that can grow and prosper? What new projects or activities have I been wanting to start? What new intentions and manifestations...

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astrology, birth chart readings, love, paganism, wheel of the year, winter equinox, winter solstice -

The Winter Solstice occurs during the hemisphere’s winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the December solstice (usually December 21st or 22nd) and in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the June solstice (usually June 20th or 21st). Although the winter solstice itself lasts only a moment, the term sometimes refers to the day on which it occurs.  Other names are the “extreme of winter” (Dongzhi), or the “shortest day”.  The solstice may have been a special moment of the annual cycle for some cultures even during Neolithic times.  Astronomical events were often used to guide activities, such as the mating...

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ancestor work, astrology, day of the dead, samhain, wheel of the year -

Samhain marks the midpoint between the Fall and Winter Solstices on the Wheel of the Year. It is a time to start to prepare for spending more time in the darkness and embracing your shadow side. This season of year is often described as the time the “veil is thinning”. This describes the thin boundary between the physical world and the spiritual realm. Spirit communication becomes easier and more obtainable during this time. Here are some simple rituals you can do to celebrate Samhain: Create an ancestor altar. Leave offerings outside for those who have passed over. Share family stories,...

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astrology, Autumn, autumn equinox, fall equinox, Fall Solstice, horoscope, love, mabon, magical correspondences, natal chart readings, paganism, wheel of the year -

Autumn is upon us. Mabon, also known as the Witch’s Thanksgiving, is the second harvest festival, and opposite Ostara on the Wheel of the Year. It is time to start to prepare for the harvest season with gratitude and delight! Here is a list of ideas to celebrate the season: Do a major clean up within your home and give items you are no longer using to charity. Bake bread or apple themed dishes. Have a bonfire. Go on a nature walk. Make a gratitude list. Restore balance in your home. Make Fall crafts and create autumn art. Visit a...

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