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The Full Moon in Taurus asks you to nourish your physical body and the earth around you. Let go of earthly possessions that are no longer serving your highest good to make way to bring in renewed energy. This Full Moon is also an ideal time to do a check within regarding centering and grounding yourself.  With this Full Moon also being a Lunar Eclipse, the energies will be amplified.  Taurus is connected to the second house, which is the house of money and possessions. Expect sudden breakthroughs, endings, and new beginnings surrounding material and financial matters. Here are some...

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astrology, horoscope, magical correspondences, paganism, samhain, samhain spells, wheel of the year -

Samhain Blessing Spell To bless the past, present, and future during Samhain, tie with red ribbon a black, white, and red candle, light them and say, “As the past drifts away going into a fade, I hold with me, the fond memories that I’ve made.  I enjoy the present, for where I’ve stayed, it is nothing I would ever trade.  I embrace the future, for which I’ve prayed and welcome abundance for yet another decade.” Let the candles burn down (making sure to remove the ribbon when the flame draws near).   Samhain Prayer  The veil grows thin at the...

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astrology, autumn equinox, autumn solstice, fall solstice, magical correspondences, solar celebrations, wheel of the year, zodiac signs -

Autumn is upon us! The days will start to lessen, as the nights will get longer.  It is time to start to prepare for the harvest season with gratitude and delight! Here is a list of ideas to celebrate the season: Do a major clean up within your home and give items you are no longer using to charity. Bake bread or apple themed dishes. Have a bonfire. Go on a nature walk. Make an Autumn potpourri. Decorate your home or your altar for Mabon.   You can work with and harness the powers of the Fall Equinox by writing...

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Lughnasadh, Magick, Pagan, Rituals, Summer Equinox, Summer solstice, Wheel of the Year -

Lughnasadh, or Lammas is the midpoint between Litha and Mabon on the Wheel of the Year. Here are some quick attributes/correspondences for Lughnasadh: Marks the beginning of the harvest season, especially grain. Many celebrate by baking bread and cakes Lughnasadh is named after the Sun God, Lugh. Also known as Lammas which comes from the old English term “Loaf mass”. Hot, fiery days even though they are slowly getting darker. About halfway between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. Embrace the Sun’s energy and what you can bring to fruition. Would you like to know what is ahead for you for...

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astrology, celebrations, love, pagan, seasons, summer, summer equinox, summer solstice, wheel of the year -

The Summer Solstice, or Midsummer, is a time for recreation, outdoors, fun, and adventure. Astrologically, the Sun is the ruler of Leo, and is connected with the 5th zodiacal house. This is a time to soak up the Sun’s rays, feel invigorated, and re-energized.  The energy is fresh and light-hearted. Some activities include making sun-catchers, sun crowns, and sun tea. This will be the day where you can enjoy Sunlight for the longest amount of time. In just a couple of days, we will be entering the caring and nurturing season of Cancer. With its gentle energy, Cancer season helps...

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